VoIS Modular: 15-Channel Vocoder and Fixed Filter Bank
A modular vocoder in Eurorack format

Main Product Features:
- 15 adjustable 8-pole filter channels with LED clipping indicators
- Slew Control to create unique slurring effects
- Silence Bridging to fill audible gaps with the filtered excitation signal
- Squelch to gate background noise
- Spectral Shift to shift the analysis filter frequencies up or down
- Spectral Tilt to manipulate the overall frequency spectrum
- V/UV Detector to automatically detect voiced and unvoiced signals
- Freeze Switch to bring the vocoded signal to a standstill
- Noise Switch to select either pink or white noise for the excitation of unvoiced signals
- BP/LP Switch to select between band-pass or low-pass response of the lowest channel filter
- Line Inputs for voice and exitation signals, with clipping indicators
- FFB Out to output the fixed-filter bank audio signal
- Vocoder Out to output the synthesized vocoder audio signal
VoIS Modular User's Manual (PDF)
VoIS Modular Assembly Instructions (PDF, only required if DIY kit is ordered)